We arrived at Arequipa at about 11.00pm after a LONG journey along the coast. In some places we ran close to the shore, watching the Pacific breakers churn their way up the beach. In others we were high above, gazing down from the steep sided ranges that ran down to the sea.Leaving Nazca and heading south once more…to Arequipa. Sometimes, beside the road, small walls had been made from loose stones, just big enough to provide shelter to people walking the road and stopping overnight. We saw several.The Convent in Arequipa….almost a town within a town.In the convent in ArequipaMost of the buildings inside the convent walls were red.El Misty, the volcano that overlooks Arequipa.Intrepid explorer!Arequipa convent.Arequipa convent.Our guide Karen, as always, with camera.Arequipa.Arequipa.Inside one of the old dwellings, a kitchen area.Leaving Arequipa and heading south for Chile.Steam from the volcano.The long road, straight across the desert – this taken from the back of our mini-bus.Then the road hit the hills and we started to climb.